Posts Tagged ‘ jobs ’

31 Queries in 31 Days: #28-31

Thursday, October 31st, 2013

Striving to finish up the 31 Queries in 31 Days project:

28) Submitted a proposal for a job via Elance, writing a custom poem for a client.

29) Submitted a proposal for a job via Elance, converting children’s stories into publishable short stories for a collection to raise funds for a charity.

30) Submitted a short story to Cricket magazine (one of my favorite magazines as a child).

31) Proposed a product name for a new style of boots, posted by a client on

And that’s it! And just before midnight, too!

31 Queries in 31 Days: #21 and #22

Tuesday, October 22nd, 2013

Yesterday I was busy putting together Wild Violet, but today I’m back to working on the 31 Queries in 31 Days project:

21) Submitted a proposal via Elance for a job doing a creative rewrite of a folktales book.

22) Submitted a proposal via Elance for a job editing and formatting a comedy book.

31 Queries in 31 Days: #15-20

Sunday, October 20th, 2013

I’m trying to get caught up with the 31 Queries in 31 Days project:

15) Submitted a flash fiction piece to Fast Fiction.

16) Submitted a flash fiction piece to Every Day Fiction.

17) Submitted a flash fiction piece to Fabula Argentea.

18) Submitted poetry to Silver Blade.

19) Submitted a proposal via Elance for a short educational article on ladybugs.

20) Submitted a proposal via Elance to work with an author who’s developing a romantic novel.

31 Queries in 31 Days: #11, #12 and #13

Monday, October 14th, 2013

Since Friday, I’ve been working on a few personal writing projects, but I haven’t forgotten about 31 Queries in 31 Days. Since the whole point of the project was to make specific efforts to earn money from my writing, I’m including:

11) Wrote and submitted an article about “Sleepy Hollow” to the Yahoo! Contributor Network.

12) Accepted an offer to participate in an interview for a client who contacted me via ODesk about a marketing/blogging position for a new organizational app for moms.

13) Submitted a proposal via Elance for a job proofreading a personal blog.

31 Queries in 31 Days: #10

Wednesday, October 9th, 2013

I am trying to stay ahead of the game this month with the 31 Queries in 31 Days project, in case I have to take a few days off at some point.

I’ve had a busy day: I wrote an entertainment article for Yahoo! News, did a little cleaning in the kitchen, played a game with my son involving balled up recycled paper, sorted through some old poetry, and wrote a quick post on my personal job. In addition, I just visited Elance again:

10) Submitted a proposal and article idea via Elance to a British ezine looking for art and culture writers.

Update: I got an e-mail stating that my proposal was declined for the job writing essays for a new app in development. This, incidentally, after the client had told me that he was putting me on his list of potential writers while he finished developing the app. Given this sort of abrupt reversal of his decision, and the apparent uncertainty about the development of the app — he actually has already changed the business name — I’m actually glad I haven’t been tapped for this project. I suspect it would have given me trouble when it came time to getting paid.

31 Queries in 31 Days: #8 and #9

Tuesday, October 8th, 2013

While working on my 31 Queries in 31 Days project, I’ve actually begun looking for poetry-related jobs via Elance, because it’s easy to do through their search function.

8 ) Submitted a job proposal via Elance for a job crafting a Halloween poem for an advertising firm.

In addition, I also sent out some poetry:

9) Submitted five poems to FIVE Poetry Magazine.

31 Queries in 31 Days: #5, #6 and #7

Sunday, October 6th, 2013

I spent much of my weekend working on the Monty Python trivia game promoting Dedicated Idiocy. However, I visited Elance and applied for a couple jobs to stay on track for the 31 Queries in 31 Days project:

5) Submitted a job proposal via Elance to create a 20-page e-book based on posts from an orthodontist’s web site.

6) Submitted a job proposal via Elance to format an e-book for publication.

7) Submitted a job proposal via Elance to write creative “stories” to accompany product descriptions for an online retailer.

30 Queries in 30 Days: #19, #20, #21

Sunday, September 29th, 2013

I’m finding more intriguing prospects at by searching under the “Creative Writing” filter:

19) Submitted job proposal and writing sample via for a job writing thoughtful essays for a new app.

20) Submitted job proposal via for a job converting podcast transcripts into PDF and ebook formats.

21) Submitted job proposal via for a job copy-editing a novel.

30 Queries in 30 Days: #18

Saturday, September 28th, 2013

Looked through some writing ads on and found another worth applying to, originally posted on the New Orleans Craigslist:

18) Sent a cover letter, poetry samples and a CV to Interactive Picture Books, which is looking for ghost writers to create children’s books for the iPad.

30 Queries in 30 Days: #14, #15, #16

Wednesday, September 25th, 2013

I spent much of the day formatting a PDF of two poetry manuscripts, which are another perk that had been promised to contributors to my Indiegogo campaign.

So it was back to Elance, which tends to be a simpler, more time-efficient process than putting together a poetry submission:

14) Submitted a proposal via for a job proofreading, editing and formatting a self-published book.

15) Submitted a proposal via for a job collaborating on Vaudeville-inspired skits.

16) Submitted a proposal via for a job writing newsletter articles on an ongoing monthly basis.

Update: The podcast transcription job I applied to yesterday has been awarded to someone else already, and so has the Top 10 list writer job.

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