an Online Journal of Sorts

By Alyce Wilson

June 20, 2006 - Shiny! Pretty!

Today, I'll continue what I started yesterday, with photos from the car show in Bellefonte we attended with my dad to celebrate Father's Day this past weekend.

I'll start with this red convertible that both my sister and I loved.

Red convertible (click to enlarge)

The mascot for a local radio station greeted children in the street. I hope the person behind the owl mask was getting plenty of water, because it was hot!

Owl mascot with boy (Click to enlarge)


And another one of my personal favorites. Just love those sleek '60s sports cars.

Sleek red sports car (Click to enlarge)

This aqua blue convertible also caught my eye. Shiny!

Aqua convertible (Click to enlarge)

Aqua convertible interior (Click to enlarge)

Believe it or not, this was actually a candid shot. My sister's husband was hanging off the lampost, and I told him to hold his position so I could take this photo.

Sister's husband on lamp post (click to enlarge)

Xbox had a promotional car there, with a matching mini-motocycle.

XBox car/motorcycle (Click to enlarge)

This classic Dodge Charger just needs a Confederate flag on the roof to be a Dukes of Hazzard stunt car.

Dodge Charger (click to enlarge)


This fixer upper, parked on a side street, was a unique 70s car that was up for sale. My sister's husband seemed somewhat interested, but I doubt he'll buy it, as they don't even have a garage!

Funky old car (Click to enlarge)


M0re from Father's Day Weekend:

June 19, 2006 - Car Heaven

June 23, 2006 - Motorcycle Madness

Bright sunny days are great for car shows, not so great for mascots.

Copyright 2006 by Alyce Wilson

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