Posts Tagged ‘ contest ’

Voting for Me in LJ Idol

Tuesday, December 1st, 2020

For years, I’ve been participating in an online writing contest called LJ Idol. The prize is simply bragging rights, but it’s been a great way to build my skills and keep writing even on weeks when I have no ideas. The current season is taking a bit of a different approach, with an added “Survivor” style component, and the poll is up for week 4 of LJ Idol Survivor.

As before, our votes are being averaged with the other members of our tribe to determine which tribe is safe. If you’re interested, I’m alycewilson (of course), and my fellow tribe members are:

n3m3sis43 (She didn’t post an entry, so I don’t believe that votes for her will count towards the total).

You can log in with a LiveJournal account by using the OpenID option. You can also log in from some other blogging platforms, like perhaps from WordPress, or you can start a free Dreamwidth account.

There aren’t many entries to read, so it can be a fun way to occupy yourself. The deadline is 7 p.m. tonight. Read and vote!

How to Vote for America’s Next Author

Wednesday, October 17th, 2012

I’ve put together a short video on how to help me win America’s Next Author. Since the ratings for Round 2 first appeared this morning, I’ve jumped up from #133 (out of 244) to currently #93, but that’s nowhere near where I need to be. The top-ranked author for each round will make it into the semifinals, along with four Wild Card selections chosen by the jury.

Watch this brief video and find out how you can help me.

So that you don’t have to cut and paste it, here’s a quick link: Alyce Wilson author page


Blog Tour & Contest

Monday, April 11th, 2011

Spring is almost here, and I’m kicking off my “blog tour.” Just like a book tour, that means making appearances in other people’s blogs. As an extra incentive, I’m going to hold a contest. Anyone who includes a mention of my book, “The Art of Life,” (with the links below) in his or her blog will be entered into a contest to win a free, autographed copy of my book.

Alyce’s bookstore:

Excerpt from the book:

Those who make a simple mention will receive one contest entry. Those who do a more extensive entry (such as an interview with me, a longer piece that relates to my book, or a “guest blog entry” written by me) will receive two contest entries. Those who mention me in multiple entries will receive one contest entry per blog entry. I will, of course, give entries to the few people who have interviewed me already.

To enter, post your entry and then share the link with me, either through posting a comment or by sending me a private message (

The contest runs until April 30, after which point a winner will be selected randomly. Feel free to also share information about this contest with friends, family, coworkers, or random people you meet on the street.

Thanks and good luck!