an Online Journal of Sorts

By Alyce Wilson

January 31, 2005 - Walking on Sunshine

Gamers at ComCon (Click to enlarge)
Proper posture is important
for playing board games

Nothing puts me in a great mood on Monday quite like having a great weekend with friends I only get to see on occasion. Or when things are going well for people I care about, such as family and friends.

Friday started out terrific. I'd learned the night before that I'm now officially an aunt, and while I don't remember my dreams, I know they were happy ones about the new addition to the Wilson family.

On Friday afternoon, my brother called to give me more details.

He told me everything was going well and that my nephew was learning to nurse. He put the phone near the baby when he started making little baby noises, and he sounded just like my brother did when he was a baby.

While my brother was skeptical that I could remember such things, I reminded him that I used to spend hours, as a child, standing over his crib and holding his hand.

He also informed me that my nephew was born with a red "V" on his forehead, just like mine. I didn't know this, but apparently, his grandmother, my brother's mother-in-law, had a similar birthmark. So whether it indicates a healer's gift, as some believe, or whether it's simply a vein that's closer to the surface of the skin, I was happy to hear about it.

So I was already flying pretty high when The Gryphon and I loaded up the car and dropped my dog, Una, at the pet sitter's. This weekend, the pet sitter was also watching two other small dogs, one of whom was more of a barker and was barking at her through the temporary fence they'd erected in the kitchen to divide the dogs from each other until they could get to know each other a little better. They assured me that if there were personality conflicts, they would keep the dogs in separate areas of the house.

The fact that Una was smiling a broad smile when we left assured me she would have a good time, too.

With her safely at the pet sitter's, we drove down to the hotel in Baltimore where the Otakon staff were having a retreat. They do this once a year to socialize and get things rolling for that year's convention.

Since my duties this year are primarily to be assistant editor of the program book, I didn't have much business to attend to. I simply have to be ready to assist when needed.

By the time we arrived, it was fairly late. The pool was closing in 15 minutes, so The Gryphon and I agreed we'd get up early and get some swimming in before the day started. We set out things down in the room and came back downstairs to socialize, making the rounds of the different rooms to see who was there.

We ended up gathering with a few people in the hotel bar to chat. With us were The Cousin, The Dormouse, this year's Con Chair and one or two others. I was happy to talk to The Dormouse, who's a friend from college. He filled me in on recent life events related to his work life and his social life. I was happy to hear that he's been having some positive experiences that make him feel more confident about where he's going in life. The most important step is sometimes realizing you have the power to change and grow.

I chatted happily about my new nephew, which was the first topic I brought up with anyone I saw that weekend.

We nursed a couple drinks until closing time and then wandered to the other rooms to see what was going on. People were playing board games and video games, watching videos and socializing. I ended up talking to someone I'll call the Doctors' Daughter, because both her parents are physicians. We discovered we had a lot in common, and we hung out near the piano in the hallway, thumping the wood with our hands for emphasis whenever we agreed on something.

The Gryphon got tired, and I told him I'd follow him upstairs soon. The Doctors' Daughter and I were joined by a guy I'll call the Wrestling Apprentice, who has been working for WWE and hopes to get more involved in that profession. The three of us chatted about our childhoods and pop culture until we all agreed it was time to get some sleep.

I tried to be quiet as I entered the hotel room, who I knew had a long day ahead of him. He has a more important role, as head of Human Resources. This meant he was looking forward to a day full of meetings with various department heads and officers. But fortunately, he was sleeping soundly and I didn't disturb him.

This year, unlike last, the hotel room was toasty warm. I fell asleep on the comfortable hotel bed for some blissful slumber.

More from ComCon 2005:

February 1, 2005 - Meetings and Feasts

February 2, 2005 - Hot Tub Meeting

February 3, 2005 - Blue Inflatable Dolphins

Happiness shared is happiness grown.

Copyright 2005 by Alyce Wilson

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