My Philcon 2017 Schedule
November 5, 2017 at 3:16 pm , by Alyce Wilson
I got my panel requests in late this year, so I’m not sure they’ll be on the official schedule. Here they are:
Fri 7:00PM in Plaza V (Five) – Learning to be an Effective Panel Moderator
Moderating a panel is more than just showing up and asking people to quiet down if a discussion gets out of hand. Learn what the best mods do to prepare for and handle the panels they are responsible for managing.
Sat 2:00PM in Plaza V (Five) – SciFi from the Parents’ Eye
How to shepherd our children through the modern age of SF.
Sat 3:00 PM in Plaza II (Two)—If Christianity Had Never Come Along
Imagine what the 21st century would be like without Christianity in history. Would we be worshipping a different god or gods? Or would society have developed in a different direction? What fiction is already exploring this idea?
Hope to see you there!
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