an Online Journal of Sorts

By Alyce Wilson

December 20, 2005 - 12 Finds of Christmas

I often find interesting things while walking my dog. Here, I have some fun with some recent finds.

On the first day of Christmas, my neighbors gave to me...

A School Portrait on a Key Chain.

School portrait keychain (Click to enlarge)

This golf sweater wearing tyke greeted me with a smile on my front sidewalk. He's going to have trouble playing golf in all that mist.

On the second day of Christmas, my neighbors gave to me...

One Grandma Invite...

Grandma invite (Click to enlarge)

... and a school portrait on a key chain.

This was clearly a class assignment to write a letter. It reads:

Dear Grandmom and Grandpop

can you come to my holy communion April 28, 2001 9:00 after the mass. we will have a party back at my house. we will go to a resturant. pl. write back.

Your son, James

Aside from obvious errors with capitalization and punctuation, it seems James is being raised by his grandparents, evidenced by him signing the letter, "your son, James." Either that or he just WISHES he lived with his grandparents.

On the third day of Christmas, my neighbors gave to me...

One List of Expenses...

List of Bills (Click to enlarge)

... one Grandma invite and a school portrait on a key chain.

This list was scribbled on the back of an envelope, half of which is now missing. Among the expenses the unknown bill payer is trying to budget are:

shampoo (dog) $20

orthodics $60

ticket $35

sneakers $75

The total of all the expenses apparently comes to $1,619, of which the list writer has $500. As an afterthought, she adds $50 to get her hair braided and $40 for "wt stuff" or "hair moisturizer, I'm not sure which. In the margin, off to the right, wistfully, is penned DVD Player, which as we all know, is priceless.

On the fourth day of Christmas, my neighbors gave to me...

One Tardy Punishment...

Punishment list (Click to enlarge)

... one list of expenses, one Grandma invite
and a school portrait on a key chain.

A child, probably a girl, given that it's written in three types of colored ink,
came home late and was forced to write, multiple times, "I must come in the house at the right time."

The fact that I found this viciously balled up and tossed in the street probably says something about how she viewed this punishment.


More from the 12 Finds of Christmas:

December 21, 2005 - Part Two

December 22, 2005 - Part Three


There's something both cheery and eerie about a tyke in a golf sweater, sitting in front of a pink valley cloaked in mist.

Copyright 2005 by Alyce Wilson

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