an Online Journal of Sorts

By Alyce Wilson

September 15, 2006 - Drawing Time

While I was visiting my brother and his family in Vermont, I spent a little time drawing with my nephew.

In the first drawing, we both made abstract shapes. His are the multicolored straight lines at the top of the drawing, while mine are the more realized shapes at the bottom.

In the second one, I drew an outline of a house, and he made a few random marks within it.

In the final one, I drew a portrait of his dog, Pulsar, but aside from a couple small marks, he didn't add anything to this one. This drawing was, hands down, his favorite. He pointed at it over and over, saying, "Dog!" He would then pat the drawing with his hands, the same way he pets Pulsar. I think, in his mind, it was already finished and didn't require him to add his artistic flair.



My nephew loves dogs, even badly drawn ones.

Copyright 2006 by Alyce Wilson

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