an Online Journal of Sorts

By Alyce Wilson

January 26, 2006 - Brisk Weather Dancing

As unseasonably warm as the weather was a week ago, today it is windy and bitter cold. I guess winter's back. I suppose this also means Una will stop shedding now. Under the impression it was spring, I think she was exchanging her winter coast for a warm weather coat.

Today on this walk, she's keeping a brisk pace and has the fur on her collar fluffed up as much as it will go. Usually, we warm up after a few blocks, when we've been moving for awhile, or if we hit a long stretch of sun. I'm hoping that will be the case, because right now I'm almost ready to turn back.

A trash can just started rolling towards us, pushed by the wind. Then it stopped and rolled back and forth.

In the good news department, various physical issues I've had of late seem to be resolving themselves. One was recent: I woke up yesterday with a sore right knee and figured it must have been from working out my lower body in the gym the day before. Today, the pain is gone.

As I mentioned before, I injured my tailbone in a fall on the stairs sometime before Christmas. It's been a long time of healing, but it's starting to feel a little better. I still can't sit on really hard chairs without a cushion, and when I sit for too long, it becomes uncomfortable.

The Gryphon and I are finally getting back into healthy lifestyle habits, now that the holidays are over. This week, I saw the scale start turning back down, which was good. I'd rebounded a bit over the holidays, which is always depressing. The most important thing is just to get back on the horse.

After New Year's, we purchased a Dance Dance Revolution set, and The Gryphon has been playing it almost every night while I'm working. He's having a lot of fun with it and is having a lot of exercise. Every night he's been playing it for hours while I work. I hope he keeps it as a regular habit even when it's no longer new and exciting.

I've been using the game, as well, instead of my workout on a couple days a week. I was worried the animals would take an interest and get in the way of my feet, but they seem to have learned from my aerobics kickboxing tapes that it's best to stay away.

In other news, because I work in the evening, The Gryphon and I had taped American Idol for the last two weeks. Last night, we finally got a chance to view some of it. But when we popped the first tape into the downstairs VCR, it wouldn't go in. Something had damaged the tape case, and we're not sure what. It was an old tape, which might have already been damaged.

So the only show we could watch was what we taped last night. We got to see the San Francisco tryouts, most of which were god awful. There were a few bright moments. Of course, I'd taped it in EP, and my new TV/VCR combo doesn't do a great job at that speed. So the playback was a little warbly, making the bad ones sound worse.

It should be a fun season. We'll see what happens. Next time, I'll record it on SP mode, instead of EP.

We're now near the end of the walk, and I'm feeling pretty good. I've either warmed up from the exercise or I'm just numb. At any rate, we'll be home soon, and then it's a DDR workout for me.


Having fun is a great way to get exercise.

Copyright 2005 by Alyce Wilson

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