an Online Journal of Sorts

By Alyce Wilson

April 20, 2004 - Grab Bag

In the absence of any pressing topics to write about, here's a few random items.

Just a little heads-up: because of the funeral of a close family friend, I will not be able to do my usual Musings on American Idol this week. However, The Gryphon promises me that he will be taping the show for me, so after I get a chance to view it, I'll write up my thoughts about what goes down this week.


I am like Troy. -- "PHD, MBA, BA, to me it’s all BS. Street smarts are where it's at."

Troy was Versacorp's Project Manager for the Lemonade Challenge, Protégé's Project Manager for the Real Estate Challenge, the Pedicab Challenge and the High Rise Rental Challenge.

Which Apprentice are You?
brought to you by The Apprentice Blog and Quizilla

Which American Idol Judge Are You?

I am extremely happy and relieved to find out the government has banned ephedra. This is a very dangerous diet supplement, as I know from experience. Way to go, feds!

I have a tendency to dream about things I'm thinking about before falling asleep. Lately, I've been dreaming vague dreams about running a business for Trump. The business part of it doesn't phase me; the luxury is cool, though.

Also, during a brief nap yesterday afternoon, I dreamt I was in a circular space ship, walking around a track that went around the outside rim. The ship created artificial gravity by spinning, keeping me stuck to the side. I could walk all around the ship this way. Pretty groovy.

When you've got nothing to say, try a quiz!

Copyright 2004 by Alyce Wilson

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