an Online Journal of Sorts

By Alyce Wilson

May 31, 2005 - Wicker and Bird Seed

Una on green couch (Click to enlarge)

My sister's new couch is a perfect size for Una and one stuffed animal to share.

Sunday was bright and sunny. I awoke when the first light started streaming in the window, so I have no idea how early it was. Possibly 7 a.m. or earlier. I read books in bed for awhile, sharing space with The Gryphon, my dog, Una and my sister's cat, Bonanza Jellybean.

We all had some breakfast while watching more of AquaTeen and the Hunger Force. Then my sister and I took our doggies for a nice long walk around the neighborhood. This time we walked through one of the newer areas, featuring ranch homes with minimal gardens, as opposed to the Victorian homes with trees, shrubberies and flower beds which we'd toured the day before.

As we walked, we talked about various things having to do with either her upcoming wedding or both of our recent moves.

When we got back to my sister's place, her fiance was doing some gardening out back. We talked to him and helped him collect clippings. Then, checking on the time, he realized he was late for work and dashed off.

My sister, The Gryphon and I drove out to the wedding site again to measure the place where she wanted to set up the wicker archway and make certain that it would work. We determined it should be no problem, and my sister was greatly relieved.

By then, it was warm enough that we'd all taken off our jackets. My sister drove us around the grounds to show us various places where she thought she might like to have wedding photographs taken.

We were all getting hungry, so we stopped on the way back at a place called Tait Farms and had some wonderful homemade whole grain sourdough bread, dipped in hummus. It truly hit the spot.

The Gryphon and I wanted to get on the road fairly early, because we had things we wanted to take care of at our new place. But we had enough time to sit in the back yard with her and help her cut squares of cloth to use for bird seed packets at the wedding. She and I even got several packets completed, bird seed and all, before it was time to load up the car and go.

This time my dog, Una, didn't seem quite as distressed about leaving, perhaps because my sister didn't bring her dog, Emma, out with her to say good-bye.

After an uneventful trip home, during which we drove through a couple rainstorms, The Gryphon and I did some more rearranging of furniture at our place, including moving my shelving unit to its final place. This meant I could finally put my records and CDs away, which was a nice feeling. All the time, it's starting to feel more like home.

My sister painting (Click to enlarge)

My sister works on an interactive art piece.

Ludo interacts with the art (Click to enlarge)

Her cat, Ludo, interacts with the art.

More from this weekend:

March 30, 2005 - Licking Chickens


Nothing hits the spot like hummus.

Copyright 2005 by Alyce Wilson

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