an Online Journal of Sorts

By Alyce Wilson

May 3, 2005 - Fresh Air

Emma swimming (Click to enlarge)

My sister's dog, Emma, takes a dip

Sunday surprised us by being fairly nice, as compared to Saturday which pretty much rained all day. So after a light breakfast, we got ready and took our dogs for a nice walk outdoors at nearby Tussey Mountain.

My sister's fiance couldn't come because he had to work, but my sister, The Gryphon and I loaded up the doggies, Una and Emma, in the back of my sister's car. She has a movable gate that fits in the back and keeps her dog in the hatchback area. She puts down a nice dog bed to make it comfortable.

Without such a barrier, her dog, Emma, who's afraid of riding in cars, tries to burrow as low as possible. Once, she even jammed herself under my sister's brake pedal!

At Tussey Mountain, we passed the ski resort and took a winding gravel road to a pull-off my sister knows. We got out, leashed the dogs and began our walk. Although we were cold when we started — I was wearing an extra sweater I'd borrowed from my sister, in addition to my spring jacket — by the time we finished we were warm enough to take off layers.

The dogs seemed to enjoy themselves. Once we got into the woods, we let them off their leashes. They stuck close by, partly because my sister kept giving them treats. She's trying to train Emma to come immediately when called.

Emma got in the creek and went swimming, but Una couldn't be persuaded to do so. She's scared of water to begin with, and it wasn't warm enough to seem appealing. She did, however, impress my sister by jumping straight over the creek like a bouncy bunny.

We returned to the car, loaded the dogs and drove back to the ski lodge. This time we got out to look around. My sister's wedding will be held there, and she wanted to try out her wedding shoes, to make sure there wouldn't be any problems.

The place where the ceremony will be held is a wooden deck, and she has spiky heels, but fortunately the boards are close together so it doesn't present a problem. While there, we talked about possible ways to set up the chairs.

Deck at Tussey Mountain (Click to enlarge)

We took a look inside through the glass as my sister talked about what she wanted to do for the reception. When we did, we noticed three birds flying around inside. We don't know how they got in, but my sister was afraid they'd beat themselves to death against the glass, so before we left we tracked down an employee and let them know about the birds.

Back at her place, The Gryphon and I finished watching Anchorman, which wasn't really worth finishing. It wasn't terribly funny.

The three of us went out to dinner at a place called Super Buffet, which had sushi as well as Chinese food. The sushi made it worth it.

When it was time to load up the car to head home, Una did not want to go. She wouldn't get off the couch to have her leash put on. I think she knew what was up. My sister followed us into the parking lot, gave us hugs and patted Una, and Una sat down and refused to get in the car! I know that she loves my sister and her dog, but she's never reacted quite that strongly before. She pouted all the way home.

More from this weekend:

May 2, 2005 - Practice Hair, Real Robocop

Some dogs swim, some dogs bounce.

Copyright 2005 by Alyce Wilson

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