an Online Journal of Sorts

By Alyce Wilson

February 10 , 2004 - Second Guessing the Groundhog

Maybe we got lucky and the groundhog got it wrong, because if this is winter, it sure doesn't feel like it!

Today I woke up to a beautiful day: warm weather, sunny skies. The snow has all but melted off the roads, the sidewalks, the lawns.

Una, my doggie, of course, was anxious to get out and take a nice walk.

But then again, she always is, except when it's raining.

She was also anxious to inspect the trash bags people had left by the curb. To her, I suppose that smells as good as spring flowers to humans.

The weather we're handing is far different from what they're getting in Vermont. I spoke to my brother and his wife on the phone Sunday, and he said they have about three feet of snow there. The snow is piled up so high they can't see behind them, backing out of their driveway.

As I spoke to him, he was trying on new snow boots he had bought for his dog, Pulsar, who is Una's mommy. I don't know if they got the idea from me, but it sounded like they'd bought similar snow boots: flannel with a leather pad on the bottom. The difference was that Pulsar's have a blue plaid pattern, while Una's are solid purple.

My brother described to me how Pulsar was hopping around, trying not to step on her newly clothed feet. I told him that would last for a short while, but she would get used to them soon. And I assured him she would enjoy the walk a lot more with her doggie snow boots.

Una did not like wearing them at first, but she never fought it too much. I guess this was because she learned that putting the booties on meant we were going for a nice walk.

But we certainly don't need booties right now. In fact, it's muddy now. So the newest phase of doggie care is giving her a sponge bath after walks. You wouldn't believe how much dirt a light-colored dog can attract, even though she quite delicately tries to walk around the puddles.

This sudden burst of warm weather was a blissful surprise. I'd grown accustomed to frigid temperatures and was prepared to tough out the remaining six weeks of winter, as predicted by the groundhog, who saw his shadow, dooming us all.

Even though I was once more awakened by a wrong number this morning, trying to sleep in after a late night of work, I still appreciate being awake on a day this lovely.

I didn't need my winter hat this morning, and I could have left my scarf at home, too. If this weather continues, I'll have to figure out what to do about a spring coat. Of course, if tax time weren't creeping up, I'd be more excited about the prospect of clothes shopping.

But I guess there has to be some balance, right? And the prospect of spring does bring with it the prospect of taxes. Still, it's hard not to enjoy a day like today.

As we walk around the neighborhood, the local schools are letting the children out for recess. And by the excited, raised pitch of their voices, you can tell how long they've been waiting for this.

Una, too, has a bounce in her step. Of course, she usually does, except for especially rainy days. She takes the good, she takes the bad, she takes them both and...

Great. Now I have the theme song from The Facts of Life stuck in my head. Warm weather does funny things to you, after a cold, bleak winter.


Even nature's most estimated meteorologists can get it wrong.

Copyright 2004 by Alyce Wilson

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