an Online Journal of Sorts

By Alyce Wilson

September 1, 2004 - Versions of Me

In keeping with the quickie musings, today I'll share with you some versions of myself I created at various sites. Right now I don't have the links handy, but perhaps when I get a chance I'll come back and add them.

This is a Lego version of me that I've also been using on my message board.


A South Park version of me, created on a site that no longer exists. I don't know why I decided to wear a bikini. Seemed like a good idea at the time.


Alyce sketch (click to enlarge)

I created this at a site where you can create sketch artist type portraits. Now, granted I did this when I was heavier, but I'm aware it doesn't look that much like me. Maybe I should have looked in a mirror.


Alyce portrait (Click to enlarge)

And this photo, which was also in yesterday's Musing, is just a reminder of what I really look like. After I finish tweaking the photo in PhotoShop, that is.


Reinvent yourself.

Copyright 2004 by Alyce Wilson

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