an Online Journal of Sorts

By Alyce Wilson

July 21, 2004 - Ultimate Before Pictures

My sister finally got a roll of film developed from three years ago when we went to Colorado to visit my brother and his wife, before they were married. We were there to celebrate the 2000 New Year's Eve.

My sister said the pictures had been something of a shock to her, since she had forgotten how big I was at my heaviest. When she showed them to me, she said they were the "ultimate before pictures."

I took some doubles home, because I had to agree, they make for a great comparison to now.

Alyce and sister, 2000  (Click to enlarge)

Alyce and friends, 2000 (Click to enlarge)

Alyce and friend, 2000 (Click to enlarge)

Alyce at New Year's 2000 (Click to enlarge)

Of course, when I see these old pictures, wearing, say, a T-shirt I still have in my drawer, that gives me pause. However, some of my favorite old T-shirts, I've decided, would make excellent nightshirts now that they're huge on me. OK, I'm a packrat, I must admit.

I almost forgot. Here's a picture of me, taken today, for easy comparison.

Alyce on July 21, 2004 (Click to enlarge)

Old photos can make your day.

Copyright 2004 by Alyce Wilson

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