an Online Journal of Sorts

By Alyce Wilson

June 28, 2004 - Well Suited

I went swimsuit shopping Saturday for the first time in about two years, and I was actually pleased with the results.

The Gryphon came along with me to give me a second opinion.

My goal was to find something that was sportier and trendier than the kind of one-piece suits I had to buy at larger sizes. So while not deluding myself into believing I could wear a bikini just yet, I looked into a tankini, which is a two-piece that covers up the middle.

I don't mind showing a picture of myself wearing it, because it doesn't reveal much more than a typical summer outfit for me, made out of swimsuit material. The top is basically a tank top with spaghetti straps, and the bottom are square cut shorts with a two-tone belt which I liked because they deemphasize my hips.

Alyce's new swimsuit (Click to enlarge)

I also got a pink sarong to wear as a beach cover-up...

Alyce in sarong (Click to enlarge)

... and a matching bag which I'll use as a beach bag.

Funky beachbag (Click to enlarge)

Although I'd wanted to wait until I was closer to size I'd be when I needed it, I probably should have shopped closer to the beginning of the season. In the old days, you can either get a one-piece or a two-piece suit. But now a lot of places are selling mix and match tops and bottoms. This works best when there's a nice selection of both.

Most of the bottoms that were left, for example, rode up far too high for my liking. I felt ridiculous wearing them. And I soon discovered that any top cut like a traditional bikini cut was a very bad choice for me, for reasons I won't disclose here. Just trust me.

While we were shopping, I also picked a few new bras (a size smaller than the last ones!) and a new belt to hold up the shorts I bought this summer, already feeling loose on me. The belt was definitely the smallest I've worn in awhile.

The Gryphon brought a book along and waited patiently while I tried on suit after suit, many of which were not suitable (no pun intended) for public viewing. Finally, I found a few options I could ask for a second opinion on. The Gryphon, who had to stand, due to a lack of seats near the dressing room, was tired by the end of it.

I told him later that it's not just my body that's changed, but my attitude. In previous years, trying on suits, if I tried on a suit that produced bulges in the wrong places, I'd blame myself. But this time, I merely thought, "This isn't the right cut for me. I'll find another and try again."

A subtle difference, but an important one. My attitude has changed, not just my body. That, I think, was probably the best learning experience I took home from that day. That and never try on a bikini unless you're prepared for what you might see.


It's best to know your limits when it comes to swimwear.

Copyright 2004 by Alyce Wilson

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