an Online Journal of Sorts

By Alyce Wilson

March 1, 2005 - Snow or Slush?

Both The Gryphon and my dog, Una, get very excited about the snow. To be honest, it affects The Gryphon more than I do, since he actually has to travel to get to work. I'm a telecommuter, so it doesn't affect me much. He watches the weather report, cheering on the snow, hoping he'll get to leave the office early.

Una is a little snow bunny, and she loves romping through fresh snow. On our morning walk, she managed to lose one of her new snow booties, galloping through deep drifts. Hopefully, it will turn up as things begin to melt.

That won't take very long. The snow is already turning to slush. In fact, when I shoveled out my car this morning, I had to dash for the sidewalk every time a car passed, for fear of getting splashed with the muck.

But there was enough of it this morning to take a few more snow pictures, including one of a pink snowman.

Una in new snow boots (Click to enlarge)

Snowy trees (Click to enlarge)

Snow on a conical bush (Click to enlarge)

Snow on a white fence (Click to enlarge)

Pink snowman (Click to enlarge)

Doggie snow boots are not made for doggie snow bunnies.

Copyright 2005 by Alyce Wilson

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