an Online Journal of Sorts

By Alyce Wilson

March 28, 2003- Sister Act

My sister is celebrating another birthday and reaching a point in her life where she's moving on to other goals, other levels. She's also finishing up her college degree and moving onto the "real world."

I have a few things I'd like to say.

First of all, I'd like to apologize for not playing Barbies with you often enough when you were young. I know that we've had many good times together since we've gotten older, but I feel guilty that I only grudgingly spent time with you when we were young and impressionable. And many times, when I did agree to play, I'd violate the unspoken rules by having Ken wear a dress and walk on his head. Come to think of it, maybe I did have a hand in shaping your personality...

I'm sorry for all the times I've shared embarrassing stories about you. I'm sure it's frustrating when such tales come up around strangers. Just to be fair, in the interest of payback, I'll tell one embarrassing story about myself.

As soon as I think of one.

I haven't told you often enough how proud I am of you. You are a very strong, independent person. I first noticed this independence when you got me to stop teasing you by hitting me with your hard-soled shoes. This could be why I have more respect for you today, because now you wear Doc Martens.

I'm proud of the steps you've taken in your life. You've never hesitated to make a change when you thought it was right. And I don't just mean your hair color. You are fearless in changing when it really matters, whether it's changing your major or taking time off from college to earn your therapeutic massage certification. (By the way, can you get that knot in my left shoulder?)

Me, I'm the sort of person who stays with the ship when the rats are jumping off, so I could learn a few things from you.

You are a truly beautiful person, both inside and out. From a photogenic girl to a perky preteen to a graceful older teenager and now a beautifully composed young woman, I'd have to say you've matured so well because of your wonderful personality shining through. One of the greatest compliments is when I show someone a picture of you and they can see a resemblance. Unless, of course, it's that baby picture where you're crying and your face is all red.

You're lots of fun. We've had more silly moments together than I can count, living up to the family moniker, those Wacky Wilsons. From shouting "You must whip it!" at confused strangers to getting decked out on Halloween, it's been good times.

And while I don't always take your advice when I should, I appreciate hearing it. You're never afraid to tell it like you see it. You've even done an intervention or two on me, when you saw me self-destructing. You're right; I didn't need that second piece of chocolate cake.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that I'm proud to call you my sister and my friend, and I'm up for more wackiness, whenever you are.

Now, do I still have to buy you a present?

Blood is thicker than chocolate.

Copyright 2003 by Alyce Wilson

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