an Online Journal of Sorts

By Alyce Wilson

September 29, 2009 - Unexpected Beauty

As I mentioned in yesterday's entry, I took some photos with my old Honeywell Pentax at the John Heinz Wildlife Refuge when The Gryphon and I visited it as part of our anniversary celebration this weekend.

Because the battery that powers the light meter was dying, I had trouble figuring out the proper settings for photos. When I dropped off the film at the local CVS, I fully expected that I would get nothing back but a roll of either overexposed or underexposed photos. In fact, I ordered just a photo CD, knowing that I wouldn't want prints of everything.

Imagine my delight to discover that many of the photos were actually quite good. And I couldn't believe my luck to discover that all the photos I really wanted — from the action shots of wildlife to a portrait of The Gryphon — had turned out. And so on this, our actual anniversary, I'd like to share my favorites from the roll.

Geese in Flight - 1 (Click to enlarge)

(Faster-loading version)

I got several shots of geese in flight. I like this one
because they're silhouetted against the clouds.


Geese in Flight - 2 (Click to enlarge)

(Faster-loading version)

I caught these geese just as they took off from the Impoundment.
In this one, you can see details of their coloring.


Geese in Flight - 3 (Click to enlarge)

(Faster-loading version)

Another silhouetted shot of geese against the clouds.
Since this is from the side, you get a good view of their shape.


The Gryphon at John Heinz Wildlife Refuge (Click to enlarge)

(Faster-loading version)

I love this portrait of The Gryphon, looking across the lake.
He is one good-looking guy!


Milkweed and Beetles (Click to enlarge)

(Faster-loading version)

These red beetles (on the pod portion of the plant,
not the fluff — those are seeds) were all over the milkweed.
The Gryphon says they're milkweed beetles. Makes sense.

Like my marriage, I often find joy and beauty in life when I least expect it.

Copyright 2009 by Alyce Wilson

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