an Online Journal of Sorts

By Alyce Wilson

September 9, 2005 - Acting Schmacting
I don't know why, but most of the time I prefer my self-portraits to shots other people take of me. Maybe it's because I am patient and tend to retake the photo as many times as it takes until I get what I want.

Sometimes, I get a little carried away, or even (gasp) a bit silly. Here are some more shots from my self-portrait session this week.


Alyce as shy girl (Click to enlarge)

I don't know about this picture thing. Really, I'm shy, I'm shy!


Alyce acting cute (Click to enlarge)

OK, I'm cute then! Right?


Alyce with arms crossed (Click to enlarge)

You don't believe me?


Alyce, wise to the world (Click to enlarge)

You're smarter than I thought!


Alyce acting surprised (Click to enlarge)

Wait, what's that? Gojira?


Alyce gets dramatic (Click to enlarge)

I think I'm going to faint.


Alyce knows something (Click to enlarge)

Still not buying it, are you?


Alyce thinks (Click to enlarge)

Maybe I don't need talent. What is it they say?
Stand up straight and smile pretty?


Alyce looks ahead (Click to enlarge)

I look forward to a bright future... or is that my ceiling lamp?



I make my own fun.

Copyright 2005 by Alyce Wilson

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