an Online Journal of Sorts

By Alyce Wilson

December 21, 2003 - Return of the King Top Ten

This weekend, we gathered a fellowship of seven and attended Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King.

At the end, as an audience of all ages applauded the heartwarming ending, I thought, "What a perfect holiday movie."

Here are a few reasons why, written with The Gryphon's help.

Top Ten Reasons Return of the King is the Perfect Holiday Movie

10. It's got elves.

9. Heartwarming story of good triumphing over evil inspires last minute holiday shoppers.

8. Children who complain they didn't get the hottest holiday toy can be reminded of what greed did to Gollum.

7. Hobbit eating habits make you feel less guilty about that third slice of pie.

6. Ogling Orlando Bloom or Liv Tyler is the perfect way to heat up after a frosty morning.

5. Fight scenes much better than in Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer.

4. Gandalf has better special effects than the Heatmeiser.

3. Two words: hot lava.

2. Giant flaming eye ensures better behavior than a jolly fat man who sees you when you're sleeping.

... and the number one reason Return of the King is the perfect holiday movie ...

1. No drunk Santas.

Take time out and appreciate the true meaning of the holiday: blockbuster movies.

Copyright 2003 by Alyce Wilson

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