an Online Journal of Sorts

By Alyce Wilson

October 1, 2004 - Love Robots

I should never try to explain my ideas to people too early in the morning, because I inevitably phrase things in a slightly off kilter way.

For example, I was trying to explain to The Gryphon today my ideas about why it takes so long to get over people sometimes. I told him that there's always a cognitive decision made, where you decide you're going to stop loving someone.

But then you have to wait for the emotional gears to run down. I compared it to a love robot. After flipping the switch to turn it off, you have to wait for it to stop running.

He started snickering.

"What's so funny?"

"Love robot," he said.

"Not that kind of love robot!" I said. "OK, maybe my words are poorly chosen, but you know what I mean."

He nodded but kept smirking.

It does take your emotions awhile to catch up sometimes. Like for example, when you think you're making progress getting past issues and then recurring dreams have you reliving your old stressors. This can be frustrating.

Another thing that can be frustrating is when the universe decides to get all ironic on you. Like today, walking my dog. Considering that I'm a responsible pet owner who always picks up after her dog, why do I end up stepping in other dogs' messes?

There's got to be some cosmic reason that thought reminds me of the presidential debate last night. Anybody who was watching it with a clear mind would no doubt agree that John Kerry did extremely well and won the night on not just style but substance.

Then afterwards, you hear these commentators coming on and saying both candidates did a good job.

I thought Aaron McGruder, comic artist of "The Boondocks" said it best when he told Aaron Brown on CNN's Newsnight, "You know, what bothers me about shows like this, and all the news shows, after Bush talks I hear all these smart people completely ignoring the elephant in the room. And the elephant in the room, which nobody wants to say, is that Bush is not a smart man. He can't articulate well. He doesn't speak in complete sentences."

I was stunned to see commentators come on not just conservative networks like Fox News Channel but also more moderate NBC and claim that Bush had done a good job. From my perspective, he was bumbling, stuttering, repeating himself endlessly rather than answering questions, inarticulate and incapable of controlling his facial expressions, which ranged from boredom to irritation and anger.

This is the man people want representing us to the rest of the world? I don't understand it.

But hopefully the American electorate saw this debate and something clicked inside their head. Perhaps they made a conscious decision that this love affair with George W. Bush has to end. Now we just have to wait for the love robot to die.

Heh-heh, she said love robot.


Falling out of love is a choice.

Copyright 2004 by Alyce Wilson

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