an Online Journal of Sorts

By Alyce Wilson

November 8, 2004 - A Day in the Park

If I'd had the time on Friday to do the Musing I'd wanted to do, I would have shared photos from a trip to Ridley Creek State Park that The Gryphon and I made with my dog, Una, on the Sunday of Halloween weekend. Here are those pictures.

Orange leaves (Click to enlarge)

Fall trees (Click to enlarge)

Floating leaves (Click to enlarge)

Una and the Gryphon (Click to enlarge)

Una in leaves (Click to enlarge)

Leaves with silhouetted trees (Click to enlarge)

Fall leaves and blue sky (click to enlarge)

Leaves and tree reflections (Click to enlarge)

Ruin in silhouette (Click to enlarge)

Blue sky, swirly clouds (Click to enlarge)

Alyce and Una (Click to enlarge)

Moss in crack (Click to enlarge)


Beauty is all around if you could but perceive.

Copyright 2004 by Alyce Wilson

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