an Online Journal of Sorts

By Alyce Wilson

October 9, 2006 - Pod People

The Gryphon and I had a more relaxing weekend than we've had in a while. We didn't have anything scheduled on Saturday, so we sat down and put together an overview of our dream wedding for the florist, who wanted to get some idea what sort of flowers we'll need.

That, combined with playing some DDR and getting breakfast, took the better part of the day.

In the evening, we went out. We made reservations at Pod, a restaurant I'd heard about from my former belly-dancing instructor. She told me about it when she heard we were doing a retrofuturistic theme for our wedding. She said it might be inspirational.

Well, she was right. Pod is definitely retrofuturistic. It looks just like the interiors I've been seeing in my research. Molded plastic furniture, lots of rounded shapes in neutrals with bold patches of color.

Interestingly, just as we arrived at the restaurant, a bride and her attendants were sweeping across the road from the hotel to a little circular area where the photographer would be taking pictures. The bridesmaids were all wearing burgundy floor-length dresses.

The restaurant was a little on the pricey side, but not too bad. I started out with some miso soup, and The Gryphon ordered some mushroom won-tons as an appetizer.

We both ordered some fun, colorful drinks. Mine was blue and his was green. His tasted more like vanilla, and mine was more citrus.

For entrees, he ordered a salmon and risotto dish, while I ordered sushi. We shared our entrees, for maximum enjoyment. Sitting in white plastic chairs, watching the lights in the ceiling change color, I felt like I was in 2001: A Space Odyssey.

Although the web site had said the attire should be "casual elegance", the emphasis was on casual. Most people could just as easily have been dining in an Appleby's. The Gryphon and I had taken the web site at its word: I was wearing a great new black dress with red and white dots, and The Gryphon was wearing gray slacks, dress shoes and a patterned silk shirt.

Afterwards, we walked down to The Bridge to see Fearless, Jet Li's widely promoted last film (or so he claims). It's a great movie, which emphasizes the importance of redemption over revenge. It seemed a suitable way to end a martial arts film career.


Pod people and Applebee's people are apparently similar.

Copyright 2006 by Alyce Wilson

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