an Online Journal of Sorts

By Alyce Wilson

October 20, 2004 - Time Drifts

Sunday morning, The Gryphon and I got up early again for the last Otakon meeting of the weekend. The morning was devoted to very serious business, which made it a lot less fun.

A group of us had lunch at a nearby Subway, which was fun. The strange thing, though, was that they noticed that we were all friends so they assumed we were all together. They just kept making sandwich after sandwich on that assumption, not letting anyone pay. Guess they heard someone joking about putting it on an expense account.

Finally, we got it figured out, and they were very apologetic as they rang up our separate orders.

The Gryphon still had some business to conduct after the meeting, so he hung around and spoke to them while I chatted with friends like The White Rabbit. He caught me up on how things are going for him at work, and we updated each other on what's going on in our lives.

My sister called my cell phone, so I went out into the hallway and talked to her for awhile. We shared weight loss successes and made plans to get together soon.

We got down around 3:30, at which point we said good-bye to everyone. We called the pet sitter to let her know that we were heading back. I told her we'd be there by 7, since I didn't know what to expect in terms of traffic.

As The Gryphon had predicted, we got back by 5:30. Since we had some extra time, we grabbed dinner at John Harvard's Brewhouse and then picked up a few videos for the evening before picking up Una.

Una was extremely happy to see me, jumping up and smiling. The pet sitter told us she'd been very good and had had fun playing with the other dogs, but had been frightened of the water bed. Not a surprise. Una is afraid of nearly everything, especially if it's weird.

We'd rented three movies, since I won a free movie from my Subway cup earlier. We'd rented Somewhere in Time, which The Gryphon said was a good movie and which stars Christopher Reeve. Also, we got Noises Off! a farce starring Christopher Reeve, as well as Bend It Like Beckham, which we'd wanted to see since we saw part of it in a hotel room this summer.

First, we watched Somewhere in Time, because it has a bittersweet ending. I like to follow up sadder or scarier movies with lighter, funnier ones. That movie was intense, haunting, beautiful. We followed it with Bend it Like Beckham.

Partway through, I looked over at The Gryphon, and asked him, "Are you sleeping?"

"No, I'm watching."

"With your eyes closed?"

Finally, he admitted he was tired. We decided to stop the movie and watch the rest later. But I wasn't tired yet, so I stayed up and watched the rest of two Buffy episodes during which I'd fallen asleep earlier that week. I had strange dreams about drifting in time with Christopher Reeve.

More on the Otakon planning retreat:

October 18, 2004 - Weekend Retreat

October 19, 2004 - Flying Pikachus

Time flies or time drifts, depending on what you're doing.

Copyright 2004 by Alyce Wilson

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