an Online Journal of Sorts

By Alyce Wilson

December 17, 2003 - Piglet's Journey

I participate in a site called (if you join, put in "shantipoet" as your reference). What happens is that they send you e-mails containing links to partner sites. If you simply click on the link, you earn five points. If you purchase something or join the partner site, you're awarded more points. These points accumulate in an account, and then you can use them to either buy gifts that are mailed to you or to receive gift certificates for use in a number of stores.

For the past several years, I've used my annual MyPoints savings to purchase toys, which I then donate to the local Toys for Tots program.

Here is the story of one such toy's journey.

Long, Dark Journey

Package (Click to enlarge)

Piglet was placed in a large, soft but confined space, where he crossed the country.
The trip took far longer than anyone had imagined, but he finally arrived safely.


A Bit of a Respite

Piglet (Click to enlarge)

Piglet could finally see some light! He relaxed for awhile on a chair. He wished he could get rid of that annoying tag in his ear, but apparently it proved he was "new."


An Escape

Una being petulant (Click to enlarge)

Piglet narrowly escaped being drooled on by a large, furry creature.
Her rescuer, Alyce "Christopher Robbins" Wilson, was
not fooled by the creature's attempts to be cute.


A New Journey Begins

Toys for Tots barrel (Click to enlarge)

After a brief journey through the rain, Piglet was placed in a barrel
filled with other toys just like him. He learned that he would be

a Christmas toy, the best kind of toy! He snuggled up against Elmo
and fell asleep, knowing he would soon make a child very happy.

Piglets may be small, but they produce big smiles.

Copyright 2003 by Alyce Wilson

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