an Online Journal of Sorts

By Alyce Wilson

April 5, 2005 - Penguin Dreams

I just started moving things into the new place, and already I'm having dreams about moving stuff. After The Gryphon left for work this morning, I fell back asleep and dreamt that I was cleaning out the closet in my front room, the task I was planning to complete when I woke up.

Except in my dream, everything looked different and I kept finding things in my closet I hadn't known were there, like a T-shirt I'd apparently made someone as a gift, hid it in the closet and forgotten about it. It had some sort of joke on it involving penguins. It was hard to read.

Of course, Una gets upset when I remove things from the apartment. This is one reason I'm only taking a load a day in the mornings. Plus, that's about the limit that one person can do at a time.

I might take Una over soon and let her see the place, now that some of my stuff is there, get her a little accustomed to it.

Looks like my neighbors are doing some spring cleaning. Piles and piles of stuff is out on the curbs, which makes my extra bag of shredded papers seem more reasonable.

It's always funny when you see things on the curb you can't identify, like large metal contraptions with moving parts that look like wooden balls. No idea what that could be.

For my part, I try to see that anything useful gets in the hands of someone who can use it. I don't believe in throwing out things that still work. But of course, there's no way of knowing whether the things other people put out work or not. I do know, however, that sometimes things on the curb look brand new. Like, for example, an apparently new humidifier. Of course, for all I know, someone discovered Legionnaire's Disease in it.

When The Gryphon came by last night, he was surprised at how empty the living room closet had become.

"Did you take all that over?" he asked.

"Well, there's still some stuff on the shelves," I pointed out. He'd apparently forgotten that we also took some stuff from the closet to the new place this weekend.

I finished the closet this morning and was just a little disappointed to discover no penguin T-shirts.

My psyche apparently can be symbolized by secret penguin T-shirts.

Copyright 2005 by Alyce Wilson

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