an Online Journal of Sorts

By Alyce Wilson

September 23, 2005 - Parade Pics
Here are some more pictures from the harvest festival in my hometown last weekend. I was going to add clever captions, but I don't have enough time so if you think of any, let me know.

Pug float (Click to enlarge)

High school marching band (Click to enlarge)

American flag police car (Click to enlarge)

Classic car (Click to enlarge)

Antique car (Click to enlarge)

Tractor brigade (Click to enlarge)

Church float, Passion of the Christ (Click to enlarge)

Civil War reenactors (Click to enlarge)

Gelati Girl (Click to enlarge)

Bagpipe band (Click to enlarge)

World War II vets (Click to enlarge)


And now, the most misguided float in the parade...

Strange float (Click to enlarge)


In case you can't see it, here's a close up of their display...

Close up of weirdness (Click to enlarge)

Yes, it's a little Tonka truck centered on a flat bed
with two badly lettered, hard to read signs.
And no, they didn't win.


Parades say a lot about a town.

Copyright 2005 by Alyce Wilson

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