an Online Journal of Sorts

By Alyce Wilson

August 15, 2006 - Other Worlds

Una and The Gryphon (Click to enlarge)

Una approves of The Gryphon

Some random thoughts and observations.

When The Gryphon and I went back to The Astral Plane on Saturday to retrieve the card he'd given me as part of his proposal, there was a couple stumbling down the steps to the second floor. We had to wait for them, because the steps were so narrow we couldn't pass them.

I thought they were drunk, but The Gryphon said maybe they were just having trouble with the steps. The guy looked like a young Roman Polanski, which was disturbing because they were having some sort of discussion about Sharon Tate. Weird.

I said to The Gryphon that their evening was a strange counterpoint to ours. "You have our sweet, romantic story and then you have two drunk people stumbling down the stairs talking about a murdered actress."

I took our kitty, Luke, to his annual check up with the vet this morning. Usually, he's pretty easy to nab for things like that, but this time he wouldn't come out from behind the couch. It didn't help that Una kept trying to shove her nose in there. So I had to trick him by putting his lunchtime feeding in his dish early.

Of course, he saw the pet carrier and tried to run away anyway, but I got down on my knees to make myself less threatening, and he let me pick him up.

On the way to the vet, he was trembling in his carrier until I started petting him with a couple fingers through the cage. They're always nice to him at the veterinarian's, but he usually gets a shot, so I can understand why he gets scared.

The good news is that the vet gave him a clean bill of health and said we're doing a good job of taking care of him. He also said that Luke is "Very handsome." Perhaps, but I still think he's cute.

It's been 10 years since I wore a ring regularly, and it's taking some getting used to. I had an anxiety dream this past weekend that I'd forgotten to put my engagement ring on and left it back in the hotel room that I was sharing with The Gryphon while we were at some sort of Otakon related function.

We had just had a stupid fight, and I couldn't find my cell phone to call him to apologize. So I was trying to find my way back to the room but got lost. First Doc the Stampede and then a female friend (who doesn't resemble anyone we actually know but was wearing an Otakon staff shirt), helped me find the room. Once I got there, Mom helped me find a phone to call The Gryphon. I woke up.

When I was in counseling, my counselor told me that dreams end when you've accomplished what you needed to in them. I think this dream was telling me that, even if things aren't always perfect, I have a support network of friends and family who will help me. And that whenever we have a disagreement, all I have to do is talk to The Gryphon and we can work it out.

I believe I had this dream both because I find myself worrying about losing the ring and because it represents a big step that we're taking in our relationship. No matter how stable a relationship is, I suppose there's always some natural anxiety involved in progressing to the next step.

But like I said, I think this dream shows that subconsciously and consciously, I'm ready to face them. I know I've got the support I need, from family and friends, and from The Gryphon, to ensure that our sweet dream together doesn't turn into a nightmare.


Food will fool a kitty; a cat carrier won't.

Copyright 2006 by Alyce Wilson

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