an Online Journal of Sorts

By Alyce Wilson

August 22, 2006 - New Look

Before and after

The Gryphon was away for several days for a business trip, so I used the time to get some things done. I've already written about my quest to find pants.

I also renewed my driver's license and ran some other errands.

I missed The Gryphon, of course, and so did Una. She doesn't like to eat unless we're both home, so it was a struggle to get her to eat while he was gone. At one point I resorted to mixing some wet food into her kibble. Another day I fed her piece by piece by hand, remembering that our pet sitter has said she sometimes does that.

Another thing I did was figure out what sort of hair cut I might want on my next appointment. I actually found a guide online for how to choose a hairstyle that works on your face. I never realized it before, but I have a rectangular or oblong face. This means I have a longer face with a square jawline and square, high forehead. The site recommended a hairstyle with soft bangs and more width.

This is probably why, when my hair gets longer, I feel like it makes my face look really long. I never knew before why that was.

So I looked through several magazines in Borders and found a few with hairstyles I liked, which I bought. Then I went back home, scanned in the styles I liked and e-mailed them to my sister, my brother's wife and The Gryphon to seek opinions.

My sister talked me out of one style I'd considered because she thought it would be too short to do an up-do for my wedding next year. She was really excited about me getting a new haircut because, as she's said, I'd been doing the same thing for the last 10 years. That's actually not entirely true. I've gone through several different lengths, although I'd admit it's usually a similar look. I haven't had a dramatic change in awhile.

To take a look at previous looks in hair, you can look at my History of Hair.

She told me that if I wasn't sure at first if I liked a new cut, I should give it a couple days to get used to it. I thought that was sweet.

I took the hair styles in that got the best response from the three people I'd shared them with.

My hair stylist and I discussed what to do. She agreed that I didn't want to go too short because it could be too hard to do something with it for the wedding. She suggested a beveled cut, where it's shorter towards the bottom than on the top.

When she styled it, she did the front straight and did the back curly, which was the hip style in a lot of the hairstyles I saw in the book. She said I could also straighten all of it if I wanted to or let it air dry and go with the natural curl.


I was really thrilled with my cut. As I was leaving, one of the other hairdressers made a point of coming up to me and telling me how much she liked it! My hair stylist told me she thought it made me look younger.

My ex-boyfriend, The Invisible Man, has a theory that people make dramatic changes in their hairstyle when they go through major life changes. And it is true that I just got engaged, which is a major life moment. Maybe the two go hand in hand.

This is just the sort of change I was looking for, and I'm very happy with it. I'd been thinking about doing something different with my hair for awhile and just didn't know what to do with it. This seemed like a great time for a fresh start.


More selection in pants styles and fabrics means more opportunities to make a mistake.

Copyright 2006 by Alyce Wilson

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