an Online Journal of Sorts

By Alyce Wilson

June 16, 2004 - Mini Me

I've now achieved a goal I've been working towards. That is to be able to wear a particular miniskirt I bought nearly 10 years ago.

I bought that miniskirt when I had successfully lost 20-some pounds, and in particular, I bought it because I was about to fly out to the Midwest to meet in person a guy I'd been flirting with over the Internet. This was the only time I ever did something like that: well, the only time plane fare was involved, anyway.

This past year, I found the miniskirt while clearing stuff out of my old room at my mom's place. I was happy to see I'd kept it, because I got rid of my clothes when I got too big for them. But I always liked this miniskirt, which is black, pleated with two buckles in the front. Kind of Goth, kind of punk. Will go great with some boots I have.

Ever since bringing the miniskirt back to my apartment, I've tried it on from time to time to see how well it fit. As time went on, first I was able to button it and then buckle it. And then it was a matter of wanting it to look right, so that, for example, it didn't bulge between the buckles.

I can officially say it fits, and I have put it with the clothes I now wear.

Here's a picture of me wearing it at New Year's Eve, 1995.


And here's me today. In my bathroom mirror...

And in my full-length mirror.




You can't go back again, but you can wear the clothes.

Copyright 2004 by Alyce Wilson

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