an Online Journal of Sorts

By Alyce Wilson

May 12, 2003 - May Day Project

The May Day Project was an event where people from all over the world documented their days on Saturday, May 10, 2003, and then posted the photos online. Here's my contribution.

Click on the photos to view a larger version.

9:30 a.m. My dog, Una, and I started off the morning at my sister's place in State College, PA, where we'd been visiting. Una was up long before I was. Sometimes she just stares at me until I wake up.
10:30 a.m. My truck, Red Arrow, was packed up and ready to go. My sister and I were driving to our home town to see our parents and to celebrate Mother's Day (a day early) with Mom.
10:30 a.m From inside my sister's place, my dog watches me intently out of the window. If you look carefully, you can see her in the larger version.
11:30 a.m. Finally, we were on the road, with just enough time to make it. My sister, a massage therapist, had some appointments scheduled back home for 1 p.m., and it was a 90-minute trip ahead. A light rain was falling.
11:35 a.m. Una and I stop for gas at a Tobacco Choice. She's already got her "road face" on. She gets excited for the first five minutes or so and then just mellows out and seems serious.
12:50 p.m. We arrive at my Dad's place, which is also where my sister has her massage therapy business, just in the nick of time.
12:55 p.m. Just before her appointment began, I convinced my sister to let me get a picture of her in her massage therapy room.
2:30 p.m. While my sister was taking care of her massage appointments, I drove over to my mom's house to spend the afternoon with her.
4 p.m. My mom and I spent the afternoon planning her 60th birthday celebration, which will take place this summer. We took a drive out to the park pavilion we've reserved for the party, to get a look at it and to make sure we had accurate directions to give the guests.
5 p.m. When we returned to my mom's place, her cat Eppie was there to greet us. She's usually extremely happy when she's outside, especially on a nice day.
5:30 p.m. While waiting for my sister to finish her massage appointments, I petted two dogs at once: her dog, Emma (left), and my dog, Una.
7:30 p.m. My mom actually had to go to a birthday party for one of her coworkers, so in the meantime, my dad, sister and I had dinner and then rented a DVD, "Children on Their Birthdays," in hopes Mom would watch it with us. It's what we call a "Mom movie" -- a family friendly, nostalgia piece.
8 p.m. My mom visited us at Dad's place to open her presents and spend some time with us. Una seems just as interested in the presents as she is. She declined to watch the "Children on Their Birthdays" with us, which turned out to be truly sappy.
9 p.m. Una is now incapable of keeping her eyes open after what, for her, was a very exciting day.

When people won't let you photograph them, take pics of your pets.

Copyright 2003 by Alyce Wilson

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