an Online Journal of Sorts

By Alyce Wilson

March 30, 2007 - Found Smiles

Recently, just when I felt like I needed it, I found a number of cheerful items while walking our doggie, Una.

Like, for example, this little teddy bear, which I'm going to throw in the washing machine before giving to our kitty, Luke. He likes small, mouse-sized toys he can carry in his mouth.

Or how about this plastic smiley face? It looks like a mini Frisbee that was run over and flattened, but still smiling, baby!

Then there's a St. Patrick button, which I found face down and thought at first was a bottle cap. Though he looks rather serious, when I think of St. Patrick I think, of course, of good times associated with St. Patty's Day.

Then, finally, there is a square piece of paper with two characters from the animated series, Spongebob Squarepants, which is funny enough by itself but also always makes me think of my brother, who's a big fan.


Thanks, universe, for the smiles!

Sometimes the universe wants you to smile.

Copyright 2006 by Alyce Wilson

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