an Online Journal of Sorts

By Alyce Wilson

November 18, 2005 - Kitten Pics

For photo Friday today, I'll share some kitten pictures of our newly adopted cat, Luke. These were taken at the foster home where he stayed for the first five months of his life. In these pictures also appear his two littermates, who also stayed in the foster home. Both have also been adopted.


Teeny purse kitties (Click to enlarge)

Purse kitties and littermates Hans, Leigh and Luke.

Kitties in a purse (Click to enlarge)

Hans seems bent on escaping; Luke just chills out.

Kitties hanging out (Click to enlarge)

(from front) Luke, Hans and Leigh hang around.

Sleepy kitties (Click to enlarge)

Luke and Hans take naps, as Leigh wakes and yawns.

Luke is up (Click to enlarge)

Luke decides naptime is done.

Luke eats (Click to enlarge)

Time for some chow.

Luke in 3-D (Click to enlarge)

Luke in 3-D.


Nothing makes your day quite like pictures of kittens.

Copyright 2005 by Alyce Wilson

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