an Online Journal of Sorts

By Alyce Wilson

July 22, 2008 - And Now for These Messages

Let me take this opportunity to get the word out about a few things of interest.

First, I will be giving a poetry reading at 7 p.m. on Thursday, August 14 at Milkboy Acoustic Cafe in Bryn Mawr. Fellow poet Camille Norvaisas will also be reading, and the event is sponsored by the Mad Poets Society. An open mic follows the featured readings. Further information can be found at the Mad Poets site.

I will be reading some of my newer material as well as some old favorites, including some with a humorous bent. Milkboy Coffee is a great venue, and I'd really like to see a good turnout, so please mark your calendars. This is my first full-fledged reading since grad school, although I've read a poem or two on occasion as part of group events.

Two of my friends have begun a new project, the Web comic Afterlife Blues. So far it promises to be a sort of Citizen Kane in space, with a reporter delving into a shady character's past. I highly recommend checking it out; I guarantee you'll get hooked. Also, if you haven't already read their first Web comic, A Miracle of Science, go there now. It's got mad scientists, Martians and rail guns. What more could you want?

And a Wild Violet contributor, David McGrath, pointed me towards a Father's Day column he wrote for The Herald-Tribune. He was nice enough to plug Wild Violet, so I'm returning the favor. It's a well-written column, and if you like it, you should read his story, "Catharsis," in the spring issue of Wild Violet.

Here's my first attempt at a bio for the poetry reading. I welcome feedback. Does it sound OK? Should I strive to make it more enertaining?

Alyce Wilson is the editor of Wild Violet online literary quarterly, which she co-founded after receiving her MFA in poetry from the Pennsylvania State University. The goal of Wild Violet is to make the arts more accessible to contemporary readers. Alyce published a book of poetry, Picturebook of the Martyrs, in 2003 and is currently seeking a publisher for her second volume of poetry. She is also in the research stage of a book on wedding planning, called My Wedding, My Way: Real Women, Real Weddings, Real Budgets. For this book, she is interviewing women about their experiences planning their weddings, and she plans to share their accumulated wisdom in a conversational way.


It's hard to write a short bio that doesn't sound self-involved.

Copyright 2008 by Alyce Wilson

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