an Online Journal of Sorts

By Alyce Wilson

March 18, 2003: Open Letter to My Friends

Dear Friends,

You are truly incredible people. By now I have given you every reason to turn on your foot and walk out that door, tell me I'm not welcome anymore. But our friendship has survived (it will survive!), more to your credit than to mine.

Reading back through my old journals, I find that I have by turns been petty, selfish, bossy and annoying.

I have started fights with you for no reason, been oblivious to your pain and then expected you to catch me whenever I needed catching. I have overreacted to imaginary slights, accused you of ignoring me and then forgotten to thank you for the hours you've spent talking me out of self-pity over my self-induced soap opera life.

I have gotten involved with guys who were clearly wrong for me and ignored you when you tried, quietly, to warn me. I ran crying to you afterward and never admitted you were right.

I have bragged about my accomplishments and been jealous of yours. I have jumped out from behind bushes and laughed when you spilled a drink on yourself. I once had you convinced that the original title of "War and Peace" was "War, What is it Good For?" I turned our escapades into stories, and I will continue to cannibalize our shared reality to feed my own comedy gods.

I have tickled you until you couldn't breathe, tricked you into confessing your secret crushes and then picked on you mercilessly. I have pretended not to understand things so you would repeat it really slow. I have talked you into shenanigans. I ate your brains. I borrowed your book seven years ago, and I still have it.

In short, I've been the Queen Bitch. And yet, here you are. Gluttons for punishment, moths to a flame, fools rushing in.

Or perhaps, through it all, you've seen something in me that was worth it, something that even a thousand slights (and a thousand noogies) couldn't erase. Thanks for seeing the better side of me and showing me your own.

And I'll return that book right away... as soon as I finish reading it.



I love you guys!

Copyright 2003 by Alyce Wilson

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