an Online Journal of Sorts

By Alyce Wilson

January 14, 2005 - Friday Photos

Another Friday, another picture page.

First, a gaslight in front of the Atwater Kent Museum in Old City, Philadelphia.

Gaslight (Click to enlarge)

Gaslight, close up (Click to enlarge)


And just to prove how rainy it's been here, my neighbor's lawn is growing a pond.

Mud puddle (Click to enlarge)


Here is Una on my bed, looking depressed because she can't go for a walk.

Una on bed (Click to enlarge)


And finally, some more flowers from the bouquet The Gryphon gave me.

Flower, exotic (Click to enlarge)

Exotic flower (Click to enlarge)



Flowers brighten even rainy days

Copyright 2005 by Alyce Wilson

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