an Online Journal of Sorts

By Alyce Wilson

July 21, 2006 - Found Vacation Plans
It's mid-summer, and lots of people are either planning vacations or embarking on them. With that in mind, I'll share a note I found near the local elementary school at the beginning of the summer.

It says: "R. Hi R., How was your weekend? I had softball, softball, SOFTBALL!! On friday I had a softball game. I played pitcher, 3rd base, and Left field. I'm happy that school is almost over! Summer is soooo fun!! Summer vacation is very, very fun. This year we are going to Arizona in June and Myrtle Beach in August. What are you doing? Bye! C."

The note writer decorated the note with hearts, butterflies, stars , flowers and a sun. The chirpiness of it makes me think she was either writing to a beau or to an intended beau.

Ah, for the days when the prospect of summer filled us with glee!


Summer vacation is very, very fun..

Copyright 2006 by Alyce Wilson

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