an Online Journal of Sorts

By Alyce Wilson

August 2, 2006 - Found Petition

Walking our dog, Una, a week or two ago, I found a petition on the ground that made me smile. Given the number of gay, bisexual and transgender people I know and love, this particular find felt like a love letter from the universe.

In childlike hand writing, it says, "Petition! This petition is to allow gay marriages! Sign here", after which there is one signature visible and part of another one. The bottom half of the paper is missing, torn neatly on the fold.

Since I found this in the middle of the summer, I doubt it was a class assignment. Rather, it seems like one of the neighborhood children was inspired to take a message of acceptance door to door.

I have no idea why it was torn in half, although it has several well-worn folds in it, seeming to indicate that it was carried around for awhile. Perhaps it torn on its own along a well-creased fold.

I also don't know where the petition writer intended to send the petition in order to get some action taken. Maybe that's why it ended up on the ground instead of in a legislator's office.

But at least by taking their message to friends, family and neighbors, they've done a small part in increasing awareness and acceptance. Every little bit counts.


Sometimes, children are heaven's messengers.

Copyright 2006 by Alyce Wilson

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