an Online Journal of Sorts

By Alyce Wilson

October 27, 2006 - Found Halloween

In honor of Halloween, coming up in a few days, I thought I'd share something I found while walking my dog, Una, this morning.

It's a piece of paper which is mostly covered with scribbles. At the top is written the name "Angela" and also "Good Job, Angela." At the bottom are two jack-o'-lanterns and a triangle.

It's almost as if Angela was playing school with somebody else, creating a fake homework assignment that was then "graded".

On the back is a pencil sketch of a joyous looking sun.

I suppose the whole paper was just the idle dreaming of a day when young minds are elsewhere.

On a weekend when many people are planning parties, it seems appropriate to share another found item I picked up a while ago. This was a simple reminder, written on the back of a paper insert that came with a brass door reinforcer, which says it is designed to prevent people from kicking in the door.

While many of us write lists for the grocery store, this one contains only one item: "orange soda".

I imagine someone heading out the door, and a spouse calling from the kitchen, "Don't forget the orange soda!" So the person grabs the first available piece of paper and writes it down. It is underlined, emphatically, as if to reinforce the importance. Don't want anyone getting upset over a lack of orange soda and, say, kicking in the door.


Don't forget the orange soda.

Copyright 2006 by Alyce Wilson

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