an Online Journal of Sorts

By Alyce Wilson

March 11, 2005 - Flowery Tributes

This being Friday, I'd like to share more pics from the Philadelphia Flower Show. The overall theme was America the Beautiful, but each individual competitive category had a specific sub-theme.

Here are some of the more creative ones from one of my favorite categories, where contestants had to do a tribute to an American artist.

Tribute to Jim Morrison (Click to enlarge)

Jim Morrison


Tribute to Chihuly (Click to enlarge)

Dale Chihuly


Tribute to Frank Lloyd Wright (Click to enlarge)

Frank Lloyd Wright


Tribute to Andy Warhol (Click to enlarge)

Andy Warhol


Tribute to Jackson Pollock (Click to enlarge)

Jackson Pollock


Tribute to Georgia O'Keefe (Click to enlarge)

Georgia O'Keefe


A true artist can say it with flowers.

Copyright 2005 by Alyce Wilson

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