an Online Journal of Sorts

By Alyce Wilson

July 18, 2006 - Breaking Bad Habits

Alyce feeling super (Click to enlarge)

I'm always being asked by people how I lost 80 pounds. I get a feeling most people are looking for a miracle.

The truth is, it's the little things that make the difference.

Now, I wrote all about this in January, but I thought it would be helpful to talk about what some of my bad habits have been and how I've found ways to cope with it.


First, let me say that, in general, snacks are OK. In fact, there are many nutritionists who believe that it's better to have several small meals throughout the day than to have a huge meal at night.

Food is energy, and if you think about it that way, your body needs energy all day. So if you withhold most of your calories until the evening, you'll be miserable and have poor concentration in work or school.

One of the things I had to learn, though, was what was an appropriate snack. Just as an example, consider a Babe Ruth candy bar (275 calories, 13g fat), compared to a Kashi bar (140 calories, 5g fat). The Kashi bar is tasty and also includes seven different grains, which is much healthier than a snack that consists of primarily fat and sugar.

There are more options available for light snacks all the time, and I try them out as I encounter them. There are some lines of 100 calorie snacks now. I'm fond of the Special K bars. There's also some 100 calorie popcorn by Pop Secret that I've found is very filling. Weight Watchers makes a variety of low calorie/low fat frozen treats.

A piece of fruit can be very satisfying as a snack. So I keep bananas, apples and grapes around, along with Dole fruit cups. For truly guilt-free snacking, try carrot sticks, cherry tomatoes or sugar free JELL-O,

Another favorite snack is a cup of granola cereal. For breakfast I often have a container of low fat yogurt, with about 1/3 cup of granola mixed in, and a banana.


Another of my bad habits was not drinking enough water. It's necessary to keep yourself hydrated, and it feels good, too. I used to think I could keep myself going with just caffeine, but I've found that if I drink enough water, that helps a lot.

For those who don't particularly like to drink water, there are other options. Look for Propel Fitness Water, which has added flavoring. It's one of many brands that does that.

Also, for one of the 6-8 glasses you drink a day, you can substitute light juice or a non-caffeinated diet drink, such as diet ginger ale. You should, however, primarily get your water intake from drinking water, since the calories in even light juice will add up.

Avoid sugary drinks like regular sodas. Be careful with juices, too, since many of them add extra sugar. Look for ones that have no sugar added or which are sweetened with artificial sweetener.

Going Out to Eat

I've discovered that, when eating out, it feels like an excuse to indulge. But I've had too many depressing scale readings that resulted from going hog wild at a restaurant, so I've learned some things.

Stay away from appetizers most of the time, but if you do have an appetizer, avoid those that are fried or prepared with a lot of cheese. A healthier appetizer would be some sort of clear or pureed soup, or a salad with light salad dressing or oil and vinegar. Sushi is also very healthy, as is anything that's vegetable based without creamy sauces.

I am a huge fan of fried calamari, but I very seldom eat it any more. The only way I would probably have some would be if an entire table full of people were sharing it, and then I'd only have a taste.

When ordering, I used to love anything cheesy and rich, but I've learned to look for meals that are prepared in a healthier way. Look for lean meats, and avoid preparations that are fried or include cheesy or creamy sauces. If you like cheese, a better way to enjoy it is simply to request some parmesan and sprinkle it over top of your meal.

Try to find something with a lot of vegetables, and if it doesn't come with vegetables, order a side salad. You do need at least 5 servings of fruits and vegetables over the course of the day.

I used to have the bad habit of eating too much, so now when my meal is delivered, I visually determine how much of it I can eat. Most restaurants will serve more than one serving as a meal. You can always box the rest of it up to take home. For guidance on portion sizes, check out this site.

If you're traveling or you're on the road and you can't box up the rest of the food, don't feel guilty about leaving it behind. A friend of mine from college said something interesting to me when I noticed that she consistently left food on her plate when she'd been served too much. She said that it's better to waste food by throwing it out than by eating it and having it turn into fat.

I grew up in a family where we were always urged to finish our plate, and it's taken a lot for me to get past that concept. But I've gradually come to understand what my college friend was talking about.

When it comes to desserts, I used to love to order them every time I went out. But today I very seldom order them and only on days where I know my intake the rest of the day was pretty low. I've found that one of the most reasonable desserts is to order one scoop of ice cream. Just make certain that you tell them one scoop when you order so that they don't bring you a sundae or something.

Every once in awhile, The Gryphon and I share a slice of cake, but that's extremely rare.


Fortunately, one good habit I've had since high school is regular exercise. But one mistake I've made is getting into a rut and therefore getting burned out. It's important to seek out variety in your exercise. Not only will it keep you interested, but it will also push your body in new ways.

You might, for example, enjoy a specific exercise tape, but once you've got it completely memorized and find yourself just plugging away every day instead of enjoying it, you should buy a new one. Or try a new activity.

My weight loss tips from earlier this year list other ways to increase your activity levels. No matter how busy you are, there should be a way to increase your activity.


One mistake I only began to correct recently was over indulging at parties. Because of over indulgence over the holidays (starting around Halloween last year), I gained about 10 pounds over the course of a few months. I'm still in the process of losing that holiday weight, and I've resolved to change my ways.

I know keep track of what I eat while I'm at the party. That way I can't fool myself into thinking I'm doing better than I am. If I'm honestly hungry, I'll look for something healthy that will fill me up. Otherwise, I only take small samples of the treats that are available and when I've tried what I want to try, I step away from the table.

I've found that the party is actually more fun for me. When I was over indulging, I felt miserable, both because I felt guilty and because I would feel uncomfortable from eating too much food.

These are just some of the tips that have helped me. Hopefully, they'll help somebody else.

Bad habits can be broken.

Copyright 2006 by Alyce Wilson

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