an Online Journal of Sorts

By Alyce Wilson

February 13, 2006 - February Snow

As you know if you've been following the news, the Northeastern United States got hit with a Nor'easter, dumping plenty of powdery white stuff over the weekend. The Philadelphia area got about a foot of snow, meaning that the usual Sunday activities for The Gryphon and I were canceled and we had a snow day.

I took these pictures on my walk with Una this morning.

Una with snowy truck (Click to enlarge)

Snow bank with cars (Click to enlarge)

Una with snowy bushes (Click to enlarge)

Snowy street (Click to enlarge)

Una with snowy tree (Click to enlarge)

Snowy bushes (Click to enlarge)

Chairs used to save a space (Click to enlarge)


Snow is more pleasant the day after you've shoveled it.

Copyright 2005 by Alyce Wilson

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