an Online Journal of Sorts

By Alyce Wilson

February 9, 2008 - Wild Violet Preview

I spent most of this weekend working on graphics for the Winter issue of Wild Violet, which I'm hoping to complete by next weekend. Over the course of the weekend, I took a few breaks to get breakfast with The Gryphon and run some errands on Saturday, to eat at a nearby Mexican restaurant, and to get brunch on Sunday. Also, he cooked a delicious dinner for me Sunday night, of chicken breast with an orange sauce, along with asparagus and his version of a Yorkshire pudding.

Here are some of the graphics from the upcoming issue. The theme this time is "relationships," and the issue is called Linked Lives. I've been experimenting with graphics that involve overlaid images. I'll be working hard on it for much of the rest of the day.






Layering images takes time but can produce dramatic results.

Copyright 2009 by Alyce Wilson

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