an Online Journal of Sorts

By Alyce Wilson

January 29, 2004 - Rural Detour

Leather sale (Click to enlarge)

I'm back on the road again after a nice little trip home. I've kept the same eye doctor I had since I lived near my parents, since I trust her. It's only an annual appointment, anyway, so I use it as an excuse to visit.

This time it was on a Wednesday, and they were dilating my eyes, so I just called off work for that day.

I'm a telecommuter, which means I can work from anyplace that has a computer, but I know from experience that I'm no good for anything that involves focusing close up for several hours after having my eyes dilated.

Tuesday I drove to Central Pennsylvania. The Gryphon was a little worried, because he knew snow was coming, but I'd listened to the weather report, too and saw that nothing was expected until evening.

I didn't have any weather related problems, except for some misty precipitation that froze on my windshield. But by using my windshield cleaner periodically, I dealt with this.

There was an accident on Route 476, so they diverted everybody onto Route 209. Even the roads on this smaller state route were pretty clear, and the only frustration was being behind a truck that was going far below the speed limit, presumably afraid of the small, winding road.

I used the opportunity, when I was slowed down, to photograph some of the things around me. There were some interesting buildings around the town of Jim Thorpe, Pennsylvania.

Valley (Click to enlarge)

Icicles (Click to enlarge)

Train Jim Thorpe (Click to enlarge)

Jim Thorpe (Click to enlarge)

Jim Thorpe (Click to enlarge)

Church (Click to enlarge)

As I drove through it, I couldn't help thinking about the story I'd heard about how Jim Thorpe got its name.

What happened was that they renamed themselves after a Native American athlete, Jim Thorpe. But Jim Thorpe, while living, had had no connection to the town. Instead, the town purchased his body after he died!

I found it particularly amusing to be listening to Alice Cooper's "I Love the Dead" while rolling through that town. It was a live concert performance I had on CD.

But eventually, I made it back to Interstate 80 and had no further problems. I even got to my dad's place when I said I would.

I called The Gryphon to make sure he knew I got there OK and then shoveled my dad's walk, since it needed done. When Dad finished with his office hours, we ate at the sub shop across the street from his office. Then I had about an hour to kill before starting my evening's work.

Another storm began to fall, covering the small Central Pennsylvania town with a second blanket of snow.


More on my trip home:

January 30, 2004 - Eye of the Storm

Naming your town after a corpse you bought is just plain weird

Copyright 2004 by Alyce Wilson

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