an Online Journal of Sorts

By Alyce Wilson

September 16, 2004 - Elvis and Princess Di

I was going through more things from the box I bought at a yard sale for $1 last weekend.

I've listed all the items that could be listed at, but there are still some items in there, most of which are memorabilia related to Princess Diana, Frank Sinatra and Elvis.

Unfortunately, none of this stuff is particularly valuable. There are newspaper articles, TV Guides and a Princess Diana calendar. But the problem is none of these items are particularly rare and few have anything that would give them extra value. Even Elvis TV Guides that include collectible CD's aren't apparently selling for much.

So I've listed the Princess Diana memorabilia as one lot and the Elvis TV Guides as another. When I get a chance to go through them, I'll list the Frank Sinatra stuff, most of which consists of special editions of Star magazine!

Now I suppose if I held onto the Princess Di materials for three more years, until the 10-year anniversary of her death, there might be more added value at that time. But call it a hunch: I have a feeling eBay will be even more flooded with Princess Di memorabilia at that time.

Considering that I've already made a profit on the book selling enterprise by selling just one book, I figure anything on top of that is just gravy.

In other news, I took my car, Moondance, in to be inspected this morning, and she passed with flying colors. Let me tell you, after dealing with my 1988 Ford Ranger, Red Arrow, all those years, it's really nice to take a car in for inspection and not have to pay several hundred dollars just to get it back again.

Much to my delight, I discovered my garage offers a free driver's service which will take you back home after you've dropped up your car and pick you up when it's ready. This was nice because I'd been up late working the previous night and had only had a very small amount of sleep. I was prepared to sit in the waiting room drinking a soda and reading but was relieved to discover I could go home and sleep instead.

Now that's service!

Driver's services rule.

Copyright 2004 by Alyce Wilson

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