an Online Journal of Sorts

By Alyce Wilson

April 26, 2005 - Down 80

Alyce, down 80 (Click to enlarge)

I've achieved another weight loss milestone: I've lost 80 pounds. This means I have 15 to go to reach my goal.

People are really starting to notice, as they did this weekend when I was at an Otakon meeting. At one point, The Gryphon was walking with a friend. I called The Gryphon's name a couple times, but he didn't hear me until I got a little closer. "I've been calling you, and you didn't hear me," I said.

The friend said, a smile on his face, "It's because you're too skinny." Now, he said it in a joking way, and I'm certain that it was meant that way. But it was a little hurtful just the same, especially when I know I'm in the normal BMI range for my height. When I reach my goal, that will put me right in the middle of the normal BMI range.

My sister, who reached her goal a few months ago, says that she heard similar comments when she was 10 or 15 pounds from her goal. Many of them came from her boss at work, who is obese. She kept telling my sister that she needed to eat a hamburger or she'd blow away.

Of course, since then that same person has decided to start a weight loss program herself!

Most of the comments, though, are unequivocally positive, and I'm hearing more and more of them. My hairdresser, for example, compliments me every time I come in.
And even friends I see more often, who may not have noticed the gradual changes, are starting to compliment me.

But most importantly, I really feel great about myself. I'm proud that I've taken these steps to adopt a healthier lifestyle. And I think I'll celebrate with a little clothes shopping!

Alyce, before and after 80 pounds (Click to enlarge)

Previous milestones:

April 18, 2003 - Incredible Shrinking Woman

May 28, 2004 - Down 50

December 6, 2004 - Sixty Down!

February 16, 2005 - Down 70

You know you're losing weight when your friends finally notice.

Copyright 2005 by Alyce Wilson

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