an Online Journal of Sorts

By Alyce Wilson

December 7, 2007 - Found Portraits

I often find interesting items, ranging from personal notes to drawings and photos, while walking my doggie, Una. Here are some recent finds, all of them hand-drawn portraits.

The first is a pen-and-ink drawing of a girl with a black hairband, smiling broadly. This is a pretty sophisticated drawing, given that she's even turned to the side.

Old-fashioned pen-and-ink drawing

There's something old-fashioned about this drawing, especially the hairstyle. It looks like something one of the Peanuts characters might have sketched.

The next portrait is sketched in blue felt-tip marker on a multi-colored square memo pad. The drawing seems to be by a younger artist and features a long-haired girl wearing a tube top and miniskirt (you can see her belly button.)

Portait in blue felt-tip

I wonder if the artist meant to make the girl look angry. With the way her hands are drawn, it looks like she's waving them briskly. Maybe this was done by a paparazzi sketch artist who was following Britney Spears: "Leave me alone! No drawings, I said! No drawings!"

The final portrait is only partially complete and shows a blissful girl with her long hair pulled into a ponytail on top of her head. She seems to be wearing a tank top, along with what might be a bathing suit bottom, but it's hard to tell.

Half-finished portrait

The artist was trying to provide a good deal of detail, including the scrunchy on the ponytail and a detailed face. But perhaps the artist grew frustrated by limited artistic skills. After all, there are no hands or legs. This drawing had been crumpled up, as if from frustration.

The girl in the drawing, however, doesn't seem to care that she has no extremities. Instead, she peers up into space, perhaps lost in pre-Christmas dreaming: "This year, I've been very good. Maybe Santa will bring me some legs!"


Belly-buttons are common in the doodles of today's children.

Copyright 2007 by Alyce Wilson

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