an Online Journal of Sorts

By Alyce Wilson

December 13, 2007 - Festive Links

Considering how much I splurged on Saturday, I consider it a triumph that I didn't gain any weight this week.

I suppose it's best to be realistic about my goals for the holidays, and to aim primarily to maintain.

If I could take off the four extra pounds remaining from my gain during my honeymoon, that would be a bonus. I'm going to have to watch how I do over Christmas and New Year's, and make sure I stick to my exercise regimen.

In the spirit of the season, I'd like to share some entertaining and/or holiday related links.

First is an artist who creates beautiful animated cards which you can personalize and send to your friends for a small fee. I found out about this site from an old college friend. Dog lovers will especially love the one called "The Snowdog."

Dog lovers may also enjoy the latest Barney Cam, featuring the White House pets and the Bush family. This one is called "Holiday in the National Parks," and regardless of your politics, you're likely to enjoy the silly fun.

Speaking of silly fun, the Providence Dancing Cop has come out of retirement for the holidays to direct traffic with flair. You may have seen him on national newscasts. His Web site provides links to his TV projects, information on booking him, and if you scroll all the way to the bottom, just above his schedule, a link to some video of him in action.

And finally, I've got to put a little plug in for my holiday gear at Cafe Press, featuring my doggie, Una.


You can order them, or any of my other T-shirts, bumper stickers, books, et cetera, from the Alyce Wilson Store.

And a merry time will be had by all!


Holiday links involving dogs are twice the fun.

Copyright 2007 by Alyce Wilson

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