an Online Journal of Sorts

By Alyce Wilson

December 6, 2006 - Posturing Perfection

After many months of faithful service, my mini tape recorder is dying. When I try to rewind, it does so only in fits and starts.

At first I thought it was just the tape, because I reuse them until they're no longer usable, dictating things like Musings into them while walking my dog, Una.

But when I tried a new tape, I had the same problem. So I guess, until I replace it, I'm back to writing in front of the computer.

The thoughts tend to flow better while I'm walking, so while I was walking Una I gave some thought to today's Musing. Since I don't have an overarching topic, I'll share some recent thoughts and happenings.

One of my improv classmates, Lori, sent out an e-mail to everyone in the class, sharing a link to the video her boyfriend recorded of our open class. I downloaded it to my desktop and, naturally, me being me, immediately checked out the parts where I felt I'd messed up. Watching the replay, I realized I'd actually done pretty well.

Not surprisingly, me being me, I found another reason to criticize myself. I definitely need to work on my posture. My shoulders were slumped forward for much of the show, which makes me look a little more like my Grandma than I'd like to look at age 36.

Today, I've been consciously trying to straighten up and put my shoulders back. Hopefully, eventually it will come naturally.

Now for some random notes I made to myself, for future Musings. I found an interesting term in an Entertainment Weekly about The Devil Wears Prada. They called Anne Hathaway's character a "manipulative innocent." What I found interesting about it is that they said it as if it was a standard term, like "femme fatale."

Another note to myself: turns out that my handwriting only gets a little worse when I've been drinking. I discovered this one evening when I'd had a couple glasses of wine and then wrote some extra items on my "to do" list. Which is an interesting statement in itself, when you think about it. After all, they say that drinking only accentuates your normal personality. So when I get drunk, I get organized. Really, really organized!

The last thing I'd like to share is a found poem I wrote from the subject lines of spam that showed up in my Lycos mailbox over the last week. Now, your moment of Zen:

Be exploitation by bursitis
already realizing
It is possible today with excellent formula
Now my mother's name thereof Thou shalt have...
pack ice

Tape recorders only last a couple years with heavy use.

Copyright 2006 by Alyce Wilson

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