an Online Journal of Sorts

By Alyce Wilson

October 21, 2004 - Costume Brainstorming

After two days, it's finally stopped raining long enough for me to take my dog, Una, for a walk. But now it's so cold it feels like we went directly from summer to winter.

We didn't have much of a fall, at least not the way I normally think of it, where it slowly moves from hot to cool. Instead, as I said, I woke up this morning and thought, "Brrr."

This might be a good time to get my trunk out and bring my winter clothing up, see which things still fit me this year and which are now too big.

Of course, I have a new dilemma, now that The Gryphon and I have been invited to a Halloween party. That is what sort of a costume to get together, in only a week's time! This morning, I was thinking maybe I should dress like an Eskimo, just to keep warm.

Any costume I come up with could involve some of my existing props, such as, but not limited to, cat ears, bunny ears, cat mask, black studded half mask, pink half mask, fairy wings, assorted belly dancing costumes and jewelry (I could easily go as a belly dancer but then would have to perform all night), police shirt, police hat, kimono, blue straight wig, Marilyn Monroe wig, geisha wig, various musical instruments.

I'm excited. This year for the first time in about a decade I could actually buy one of the one-size-fits-all costumes they sell in costume shops. But that seems less than creative.

I had thought about going as Wonder Woman, something I've wanted to do for awhile. Of course, I went as Wonder Woman before, when I was a little girl and the costume mostly consisted of a plastic mask and ballet tights. I think I'd look much better this time around.

My sister says she might go as Michael Moore, which I find ironic since this year she lost a lot of weight in preparation for her wedding next summer. But I know she admires the large and in charge director, so I suppose that's why.

I could, of course, always do a variation on the vampire theme. I still have my movie-quality teeth. With a few additional props, I could go as a vampire slayer, many of whom are traditionally dhampirs, or half vampires. But that seems like it would require a lot of additional things to carry around.

It would be unusual; you tend to see a lot of vampires but not many vampire slayers at Halloween. Of course, I'm sure The Gryphon would think this was just because we've been watching the second season of Buffy.

I could go as my dog, Una. One Halloween, a friend and I went to a special ska concert called Skalloween in State College. I went as my cat, Squeaky. That was fun, painting my face up.

Going as a dog would be a bit unusual: people go as cats but rarely as dogs. I guess they're not seen as being as sexy. Still, that could be a really warm costume, too.

I could have myself lobotomized and go as George W. Bush. But I think I'd miss my brain.

I could do something really strange and go as a makeover. I could have half my body as the old me and half of it as the new me. That sounds a little complicated to pull together in a week.

Saw some great wigs at the grocery store, believe it or not. They got me to thinking about what I could do. One was a 1950's style flip, bright pink. "That wig rocks," I thought. Of course, I don't know if I'd want pink hair, but that gives me a brilliant idea, and it's simple. With just a little shopping at a thrift store, I could be a Stepford Wife! That is scary.

Now, The Gryphon also requested I come up with a suggestion for him. Maybe he could be a Stepford Husband? Although that concept is not generally as well known. Well, I suppose we could dress him up as a Mad Scientist. That could be really easy: just get a lab coat and let his hair get wild.

I like this idea because of the simplicity of it. I wouldn't even have to get a wig if I just figured out something to do with my hair. Yeah, right. Well, a wig would be fun, and wigs are warm, too.


Store bought costumes just can't cut it.

Copyright 2004 by Alyce Wilson

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